Friday, 22 January 2010


This week has been very frustrating indeed - when the weather has been reasonable, I've been working, and when I've been free to go wandering, it's been too wet to take the camera along.

I read in the local paper yesterday that the recent cold weather means that the snowdrops are about 2 weeks behind this year. I can well believe that. I have noticed that the birds are starting to sing, though, and it's lovely to hear.

Staying indoors out of the rain means that I spend more time surfing the net and looking at other people's blogs. I particularly enjoyed this post from the lovely Suse in Melbourne, Australia - a glimpse of someone else's backyard birds, with a bonus recording of what the birdsong in her back yard sounds like (scroll down her post to find it). It sounds very exotic to me, and I'm quite jealous.

Roll on Spring, I say!

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